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作品通过将企鹅拟人化,讲述了一个因气候变暖而不得不背井离乡来到人类社会谋求生存的小企鹅的故事。他辛苦工作却屡遭挫折,在收到家人发来的关心消息时,不仅怀念起自己南极的家乡。     我们主要希望通过这个作品唤起人们保护环境的意识。为了调动大家用自己的实际行动关注气候变暖,我们设计了如下活动:QQ是一个拥有高热度的全民社交平台,而每位用户在使用Q币充值功能时,我们将自动从充值金额中抽取部分捐给联合国绿色和平组织,为气候变化和能源项目贡献力量。 Our work portrays a little penguin that came to the human society to make a living due to the climate change. He can't help thinking of his hometown when he received a message from his family. Our main hope is to raise awareness of environmental protection through this work. In order to mobilize people to use their own practical action to focus on climate warming, we designed the following activities: We will automatically withdraw a small amount of money then donated to the United Nations Greenpeace when people use the Q coin refill function. This will contribute to solving the problem of climate warming and energy shortages.


