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针对运动人群的士力架,放在考场里,也能同样适用吗?很显然,根据调查结果显示,甜腻的士力架并不适合静坐在考场中奋笔疾书的考生食用。 针对这一问题,我们推出——“考试刚刚好”士力架能量补充站——考试刚刚好,让口味和状态都刚刚好。考生可以自己选择喜欢的甜度和配方进行DIY制作,再也不用担心士力架太甜太腻,反而影响考试发挥啦! Before, snikers are aiming to the group of people who are in the sports situation. Can it also fits candidates who are taking the examination? Apparently, according to the surveys, we find out that items including high-sugar or high-fat are not suit for the exam candidates and may even discomfort them. As for this problem, we market "Let the examination state just right" energy supplement machine, make the flavor and your condition are just at the right stage. Candidates can DIY the sugar-level or add some new fun ingredients in your special snikers, no more worries about the high-sugar or high-fat will have the negative effects on your examination!


