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字体设计 十二生肖字体与篆体字结合设计,把中国字体古老年代感结合,提取现代汉字与篆体字共有的结构,字形,再进行优化结合,设计出的新的字体是可以具有一定辨识度也结合了篆体字和现代汉字的特征。 The design of the Chinese Zodiac characters and seal characters combines the ancient sense of Chinese characters, extracts the common structure and shape of modern Chinese characters and seal characters, and then optimizes and combines them. The new font designed can have a certain degree of recognition, and also combines the characteristics of seal characters and modern Chinese characters.

包装设计 对椰树品牌的椰汁重新包装设计,保留产品本身的特点,与现代设计感结合设计出一款新的的包装,保留原来经典的三原色,红黄蓝。另外再尝试出新的三个配色,让产品看起来更丰富的前提下也不缺失对他的辨识度。 The brand of coconut milk packaging design, retain the characteristics of the product itself, combined with modern design to design a new packaging, retain the original classic three primary colors, red, yellow and blue. In addition, try to come up with three new colors to make the product look richer without losing recognition.

创意海报 平常的海报太过于普遍如果扔垃圾是一场运动,人人参与的一场运动,而且要 进球,要进正确的球框,把体育意识,团队意识带到扔垃圾中,进球要靠团队 才可以进,而不是单单靠一个个人的力量可以,需要毅力,需要国家支持,好 像国足,中国女排都在努力,但是,没有进去到正确的球框是得不到分数的, 这样的进球没有用,前面的努力就前功尽弃,所以我的广告语是:合适的球, 进正确的框才会得分! Ordinary posters are too common. If littering is a sport, a sport for everyone, and In order to score a goal, it is necessary to get into the right frame and bring the sense of sports and team into the garbage. The goal depends on the team It needs perseverance and national support. Good Like the national football team, the Chinese women's volleyball team is working hard, but if you don't get in the right frame,you won't get points, It's useless to score such a goal, and all the efforts in front of me are wasted, so my slogan is: the right ball, Get into the right box to score!


