Special dictionaries for the COVID-19 period(新冠时期的特殊辞典)

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广告创新 Advertising Innovation At this particular period, we plan to present a very special dictionary for people all around the world.This special dictionary, likes other dictionaries, contains vocabularies, pronunciations, meanings and idiomatic uses. However, this dictionary is not for language learning. We hope it can help all of us learn how to keep safe and live well during this time, and help people stand together to fight against the epidemic. (在这个特殊时期,我们计划推出一款面向所有人的、非常特殊的一本词典。 这个词典和其他所有词典一样,都包含了词条、释义、例句等内容。但这部词典绝不仅是帮助你去学习语言的,而是希望帮助所有人,学习如何在疫情的背景之下去更好地生活,以一同抵抗病毒对人类的威胁和伤害。)


