Turn your coronavirus stress on itself 把来自新冠病毒的压力还给新冠病毒

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By conjuring up a visual manifestation of the virus, we created a outlet for people to unleash their stress, calling on them to #Turn your coronavirus stress on itself#. 通过将新冠病毒具像化,为人们创造一个舒压的渠道,并告诉他们#来自新冠病毒的压力还给新冠病毒#。他们获得解压的同时,也纠正错误的舒压行为,不要伤害无辜。

We created a coronavirus-shaped stress ball for anyone to relieve their COVID-19 instigated stress by squeezing it, stomping it or throwing it, instead of directing it towards people who were just as much as victims of the virus as they were. 我们创作了一个新冠病毒形状的解压球,让人们通过各种方式蹂躏它来集中释放来自新冠的压力,从而不要伤害无辜的人,以此来纠正他们的错误认知。

Squeeze it! Squeeze away that corona stress! 使劲捏 捏碎新冠病毒的压力

Stomp it! Stomp out that COVID anger! 拼命踩 踩碎新冠病毒的愤怒

Hurl it! Hurl your viral hate away 用力扔 扔掉新冠病毒的仇恨

Since its unexpected arrival onto the world stage earlier this year, the COVID-19 epidemic has created stress and tension for virtually everyone, everywhere. Unfortunately for some groups of people, the stress and frustration towards the virus has been unfairly directed towards them. 一场突如其来的疫情(带来的失业、企业破产和经济衰退)给全世界各个国家带来了巨大的压力。不幸的是,对于很多无辜的人来说,他们被不公平地针对,成为病毒带来的压力的舒压口。 So the first solution might be to direct this stress towards the corona virus itself. 所以首先要解决的是将压力直接指向新冠病毒本身。 But as something intangible – something that can’t be hit, crushed, trampled on or thrown – this is easier said that done. 但是鉴于新冠病毒是无形的存在,人们不能打它、蹂躏它、践踏它,扔掉它… so we created a corona virus shaped stress ball for people to relieve their COVID-19 anger on, rather than directing it towards innocent people who are just as affected by the virus as anyone else 所以我们创作了一个新冠病毒形状的解压球,让人们集中释放来自新冠的压力,而不是将其直接发泄在(被病毒感染的)一些无辜者身上。


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