口罩不能阻挡masks cannot isolate

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作品类别:平面广告 创意阐述:在作品中以一个突出口罩做喊叫辱骂状的人脸,以透过口罩也可以看得清楚的愤怒的人脸来传达恶意的言语是无法被口罩拦截的。There is a face with a prominent mask as a shouting and abusing face, and an angry face that can be seen clearly through the mask to convey malicious words can not be intercepted by the mask.

作品类别:平面广告 创意阐述:作品的主体是一个拳头冲击出来的口罩,以此来表达在疫情中口罩只能挡住真正的病毒,却挡不住对他人恶意的行为乃至暴力。The main body of the work is a mask which is punched out by a fist, so as to express that in the epidemic situation, the mask can only block the real virus, but can't block the malicious behavior and even violence to others.


