两米的故事The story of 2m

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作品类别:短视频创新 Short Video Innovation 两个小玩偶间隔2米代表着人们疫情下现实的安全社交距离。当两者距离少于两米时主动靠近的一方便会掉落. The two dolls are separated by two meters, which represents a safe social distance in case of an epidemic.They will be punished when they were less than two meters apart.

作品类别:短视频创新 Short Video Innovation 两个小玩偶间隔2米代表着人们疫情下现实的安全社交距离。当两者距离少于两米时便会被弹飞. The two dolls are separated by two meters, which represents a safe social distance in case of an epidemic.They will be punished when they were less than two meters apart.

作品类别:短视频创新 Short Video Innovation 两个小玩偶间隔2米代表着人们疫情下现实的安全社交距离。当两者距离少于两米时主动靠近的一方便会被打飞. The two dolls are separated by two meters, which represents a safe social distance in case of an epidemic.They will be punished when they were less than two meters apart.


