The Diamond Princess(钻石公主号)

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By February 20th 2020, the number of COVID-19 infections on the Diamond Princess was second in the world, which was more than the number of people infected in all countries except China. Why did the virus spread so fast in such a short time on the cruise ship? Will the number of diagnoses increase dramatically? This chart will show the epidemic situation in various countries and the transmission factors on the cruise ship. We came from the sea but we are bond to dock... 截至2020年2月20日,钻石公主号邮轮新型冠状病毒肺炎确诊人数居全球第二。该图表用像素化的风格展示了钻石公主号在横滨港强制隔离14天中所发生的一系列事件及其中的数据变化——船内各国感染情况和采取的相应措施、不同年龄层的感染变化、确诊人数急剧增长的原因、新型冠状病毒传播的方式等。我们也希望通过这样一种信息可视化的语言,更加直观有趣地展现一个沉重的主题并由此引发更多人的重视。我们从海上来,但终究要靠岸... 数据来源:疾病预防控制局、世界卫生组织官网、丁香医生、新京报社、钻石公主号官网、360快资讯、央视新闻、大健康生活圈


