We are at home to protect you (在家,守护你)

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Category: Content innovation Creative rationale: We all understand how hard life can be during the lockdown due to COVID-19. Staying at home is the most effective way to isolate the virus. However, it is sad to see that some people don't actually treat this seriously. Therefore, How can we create something while being stuck at home, that can encourage people to realize the importance of staying at home? This film shows the solution. By coming up with an original script, I use the idea of " stock footage", to create a film based on the script and storyline. With a clear concept that is " Stay at home to protect you", every footage selected connects with others and tells the story. I always believe that with the power of creativity, we can always be inspired finding new ways to share the value, influence, ideas that can change the world. 广告形式:内容创新 创意阐释:每个人都明白,在COVID-19的影响下,生活在一天天的发生着变化。居家隔离,是目前来讲最安全,有效的“隔离”病毒的方法。然而可惜的是,仍然有很多人并没有意识到“居家隔离”的重要性。那么,我们如何在本身“隔离在家”的状态下,创作出一个可以鼓励大家呆在家中的广告? 这部广告片提供了一个创新的解决方案。通过最初的创意思考以及剧本撰写,我确定了一条清晰的故事线,通过”stock footage”的方式,再寻找出每一帧,每一个场景要展示的故事,将它们无缝衔接起来。 相信创意的力量,因为它总能启发你找到新的方式,去创作出“改变世界”的作品。


James Ma
